The King Meets the King During Celebration Party
DECEMBER 25, 2023 -MANILA, PHILIPPINES - Jun Polictico, King of the Philippine Ballad, meets the new King. No, not another King of Ballad, but what many speculate as the new “King" of the road.

Beulah celebrated the December Celebration Party with the Leaders of Transport Cooperatives and welcomed the arrival of Ecotranzit electric bus called VIM with songs that remind us of history repeating itself when the King of the Philippine Ballad, Jun Politico welcomed Muhammad Ali with songs to die for in “Thrilla in Manila' in the 70s. Thrilla in Manila is one of the nation's most memorable events on recorded history.
Jun Polistico, King of the Philippine Ballad
In the middle of the celebration was the right timing, it was announced that the ebus just got out of the Bureau of Customs. The excitement reverberated across the celebration hall, as described by Atty Martha Rosete.
Ecotranzit VIM (Vehicle in Motion) just before it exits in the Bureau of Customs on December 24th, 2023
VIM which is the name of the ebus is now being inspected and recharged by our electric engineering team ahead of presentation to the Cooperatives. The linkspan is in full maintenance with a detailed assessment of its condition, said Jun Bioco, Beulah’s General Manager for EVs
The celebration marks another milestone in our community offering to build long-term participation of the Cooperatives with a positive profile.
Beulah’s insights are centered around the strengths of Beulah and the Transport Cooperatives.